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Simple Production — Movies, Welcome to Fukushima


Welcome to Fukushima

59'35'' / 2013

Alain de Halleux


One year spent in the daily life of some Japanese families in Minamisoma, at 20 km from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. After efforts of decontamination, scientific uncertainties, hesitations of the authorities, who should we trust ? Should we stay? Should we leave? Each family is facing its own decisions alone.

The director tells the 'after-the-event' so that the children will later remember. But the threats are weighing on the current status of the nuclear power plant. The families suitcases and petrol cans are ready in order to leave as quickly as possible if a new earthquake or tsunami would occur.  

Fiche Technique

  • Author and director : Alain de Halleux
  • Image : Alain de Halleux
  • Sound : Alain de Halleux et Kyle Drubek
  • Editing : Alain de Halleux et Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
  • Music : Michel Berckmans

Production and Partners

  • Production : Simple Production,Crescendo films, L'Indien Productions
  • Co-production : RTBF, WIP, Vosges Télévision
  • Development : la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, CNC, Procirep-Angoa, Greenpeace, Greens/EFA, Courant d'Air, Noya
  • TV Broadcasting : RTBF – VPRO
  • Distribution : Simple Production and CBA/WIP Sales


  • Sichuan TV Festival (Chine) - International "Gold Panda" award pour le documentaire
  • Festival International du Film d'Amiens
  • Docudays UA (Kiev)
  • FICMA (Barcelone) - Golden Sun - Best Short Documentary
  • Festival à nous de voir (France)
  • ImagéSanté (Liège) - Mention Spéciale dans la Sélection Environnement et Santé
  • Festival du film de Zurich
  • Green Vision (Russia) - award "for the deep and profound presentation of the topic"
  • Docudays Kiev - 2014
  • Docudays - EU Delegation - 2014
  • Uranium Film Festival - 2015


  • Language : Japanese
  • Original version with German subtitles
  • Original version with English subtitles
  • Original version with French subtitles
  • Original version - Japanese
  • French dubbed version



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